The State of the State: Filmmaking in Texas

For you filmmakers in Texas, I’ll be speaking on a panel Monday at 5:30 about filmmaking in Texas. I’ll be joined by Garry Brown, Producer of Prison Break and the Director of the Texas Film Commission. It’s open to industry professionals, so I hope you can make it.

Making it in Texas: What are the benefits? Is there an effective local network of filmmakers and industry to support independent film production today and into the future? How has the new Texas incentive grant program impacted production in Texas?

Moderator: Chris Kelly, Critic Star-Telegram Panelists: Bob Hudgens, Director of the Texas Film Commission; Garry Brown, Producer; and Russ Pond, Director/Producer “Fissure”

The discussions are held on the beautiful 16th floor Wet Deck at the W Dallas Victory Hotel on Monday, March 31st at 5:30 p.m. They are free and open to industry professionals and AFI DALLAS pass holders.

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 30th, 2008 at 9:15 am and is filed under general.
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2 Responses to “The State of the State: Filmmaking in Texas”

  1. Shawn Says:

    This sounds like a great panel. Will there be post-fest place to hear, see or read about this panel discussion? As a Texas filmmaker, and one who will not be able to make it to AFI Dallas, I would like to know what the panel has to say about the State of the State: Filmmaking in Texas. If you know, please pass along the link.


  2. russ Says:

    I’m not sure if there will be a place to hear or read about the panel discussions. If I hear of something, I’ll post it on the blog.